This is not as clear as anywhere else in the heavenly vision of John, where Christ samplea walking amidst the candlesticks (churches), causing the light they receive it shine amid world discussed in the darkness.
Chapters 2 and 3 of Revelation give

The Apostolic Church, 30-100 AD
[1] Biblical scholars believe that Ephesus was one of the largest churches and excellent New Testament times. The apostle Paul founded it at the end of his second missionary journey (Acts 18:19-20).
[2] Ephesus city of Lydia in the west coast of Asia Minor, Miletus midway between south and north Izmir. Ephesus was located in the natural commercial crossroads on the main artery running from Rome to the East.
A. The Ephesian period or apostolic
[3] The first of seven cartasse addresses the church of "Ephesus". There are at least two reasons as to why Ephesus was selected first: (1) was the most important city in Asia Minor, both commercial (for its large port) and politically (for having the largest population). In addition, there was the temple dedicated to the great goddess Diana. This temple was one of seven maravillasdel ancient world (2) was the headquarters of the ministry of the apostle John and spent nearly half his life. The church of Ephesus was founded by the Apostle Paul between 50-55 AD In it Paul ministered for more than three years. The letter to the church of Ephesus that Christ instructs John to write was sent between 40 to 50 years after the founding of the church.
In 431 AD took place the Council of Ephesus. On that occasion, the leaders of Christianity met in the city by imperial mandate to combat Nestorius teaching concerning the Person of Christ. Nestorius was the bishop of Constantinople.
The Ephesian or apostolic period extends from the day of Pentecost (circa 30 AD) to AD 100
The name of Ephesus wants desir 'required'. This was the iglesiao the church was most desirable of all.
1. A church worker:
"I know your deeds, your hard work and your perseverance."
Christ praised the early church for their faithful work serviciocristiano. Serving Jesus Christ is working. Christ knows, retaining faithful service "... and whoever gives even a cup of aguafresca one of these little ones because one of my disciples, I will certainly not lose his reward." (Matthew 10:42).
[4] The early church was able to expand the teaching of the Gospel through the ministry of the Jewish Christians greater than that achieved from the leadership of the church became predominantly Gentile. Even with all our modern methods of communication and our air travel can match that success evangelizing.
Interestingly, apostasy and indifference were characteristic of the Church of Jesus Christ under the administration of the Gentiles, while evangelism was the hallmark of Jewish leadership. Prophetic truth that is found in Revelation 7 as saying that the upcoming highlights time in proclaiming the gospel around the world will be under Jewish leadership when one hundred and forty-four thousand Judeo-Christian witnesses out to preach the gospel to reach a crowd "so great that no one could count" (7:9).
2. A separate church:
"They can not bear the wicked."
The Greek word for "church" is ekklesia, which literally means desir "called out." A true church is the one in the world but not part of the world. One of the things that characterized the early church, but not to other churches, was its refusal to fellowship with Christians weak.
3. A pure church:
"I know you have tested those who claim to be apostles but are not, and have discovered that they are false."
Immediately after the day of Pentecost, Satan sowed weeds among the wheat of the Lord. Some of these weeds were disguised as apostles and went around cheating on his innocence to some of the newborn churches, as they had no written copies of the scriptures.
Of course, God is faithful, and those churches who sought him in truth and that tested the spirits "to see if they were of God" were not deceived. The church of Ephesus was one of them and did not allow that the false apostles deceive.
4. A suffering church:
"You have persevered and suffered for my name, not discourage."
The structure works indicates very clear words that the church of Ephesus was a consistent church, suffering throughout history the faithful propagation of the gospel message, not discouraged, but boldly presenting the gospel of Christ.
5. An autonomous church:
"You hate the practices of Nicolaitans, which I also hate."
The word "Nicolaitans" comes from two Greek words: niko, 'conqueror was overthrown, "and laos," the gente, los laicos». Parece que en los primeros días de la iglesia, los seguidores de Nicolás sostenían dos puntos de vista seriamente heréticos.
La historia de la iglesia de Jesucristo es un ciclo continuo de iglesias autónomas que se amalgaman en grandes convenciones, o denominaciones, o jerarquías eclesiásticas que con el tiempo se vuelven apostatas. A su tiempo, esto produce la separación del grupo minoritario que procura ser fiel a las Escrituras, autónomo, dependiendo solamente del Espíritu Santo. Ciertamente, la iglesia de éfeso y la iglesia primitiva apostólica tuvieron éxito en oponerse a la obra de los nicolaítas, que más tarde aceptó la iglesia de Pérgamo (Ap. 2:15).
B. The condemnation of Christ:
"But I have against you that you have forsaken your first love."
There was only a condemnation against this early church, but it was very serious. While it was true, unconsciously succumbed to the natural tendency of allowing even the most wonderful experience to become commonplace.
C. The council of Christ: The Christ of
advises churches church of Ephesus to do three things:
1. "Remember from whence thou art fallen."
Firmly Christ admonishes the believers of Ephesus to remember the faithfulness of the early years and make a inventariode his spiritual life.
2. "Repent."
They had become of her coldness and indifference to a vital relationship with Christ.
3. "Go back to do the things you did at first."
This completes the board of Christ and stands as a testament to the love of the church.
D. The challenge of Christ:
The challenge that Christ presents the church of Ephesus is divided into two special branches:
1. "Hear what the Spirit says."
"He who has ears, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches."
This was an expression of Jesus Christ that appears in many of his parables (eg. Matthew 13:9). The claim involves three classes of individuals: a.
Those who have no ears: Of course, this can not refer to physical ears, because all we have. Unquestionably refers to those who have not been in tune with the Holy Spirit. B.
Those who are hard of hearing: Not all born-again Christians are willing to hear the Spirit of God when he speaks. The Holy Spirit reproves the Jews who were "slow to learn." C.
Those Christians in the spirit willing and eager to hear what the Spirit says to the church (James 1:22).
2. "Eternal life for those who win the victory."
"He who overcomes I will give you the right to eat from the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God." The tree of life, which can eat those who win the victory is, undoubtedly, the tree they were forbidden to Adam and Eve after sin. Only the winners will eat from the tree of life. Who is a winner? 1 John 5:4-5 gives the answer "For whoever is born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that overcomes the world: our faith. Who is it that overcomes the world but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God. "