Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Mr Men Characters Clipart
Look, the gait that brings me to walk,
Look, the smile that way when he sees me coming,
Look at her, commenting to my friends who is in love ,
Look at her, how happy you are when you're by my side.
Look at, look, look, how beautiful she is.
girl come with me to walk,
I'll make a carpet of flowers,
wherever you go to tread.
Give me your hand you do not want to let go,
give me your hand I do not want you to go away,
and I want to be with you until the end of my days.
Give me your hand, oh girl, give me your hand, I'll make you happy with me.
talk to the moon, to ask that when you go out at night and hide it well be your the most beautiful of the night.
will ascend to heaven and take star
with them I'll make a necklace,
but you'll be the brightest star.
Look at me, look at me and tell me you love me.
Look at me, look at me and tell me that these moments you never forget.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Snowboard Wax Before After
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Knex Instructions Maker
If I had to make a perfume, you would
the smell of your skin.
If I had to paint a picture,
woman you would be my muse.
If I had to name a star,
girl, I would yours,
to look at it whenever I remember you.
only think of you,
everything I do is think of you,
every breath I take is thinking about you,
every beat of my heart is for you.
Everything in my life revolves thinking of you.
I see the beauty of the flowers and think of you.
I see the joy of flying birds and think of you. Miro
sea and think of you,
think my love is as vast as the sea.
Every second, every minute,
only think of you.
Night and day,
only think of you.
I think and think,
just think how much I love you.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Face Template For Makeup
Every beat of my heart,
are pins that are stuck in it,
every time I say that I want.
Tell me why I want to, you
if I give you everything,
just need to ask me my life, I also
I give it.
just want to be with you,
caress your hair, your skin feeling soft
look in your eyes,
smell the scent of your body,
feel the warmth of your hands.
Tell me why I want to,
if earlier, my heart and yours,
were the same beat.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Sayings About Consequences
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Free Navida Encorders For Primere 6.5
I Love You, Love
from the day I saw you.
I Love You, Love
and I have to say.
love with your face, girl.
love with your hair,
of your body, your lips, your mouth,
your eyes and your smile.
I Love You, I Love
and scream from the rooftops. To be aware
everyone that I LOVE.
That my heart beats only when you see, That my heart beats
cuandte just looks at you,
That my heart lives alone when I say I LOVE YOU.
call me stupid, call me crazy
Call me call me I do not care,
is I'm a fool in love and crazy in love,
and the only thing I care about is that they know that I LOVE.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Controlled Substance Skelaxin
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Wo Finde Ich Wii Seriennummer
look at the sky and ask God
you always take me in your thoughts, but you leave
away from me,
never forget what I feel for you.
That time and distance are not clear, which both have felt.
to last in our memories, the love that we have lived.
That does not erase the strokes dream.
What you embraces clothing with more senses. That
feel my lips on yours in passionate kisses.
When we both loved.
Think of me as I think of you
Close your eyes and look at me, I will always be at your side.
never forget you, always love you, I'll take you wherever you go.
're the engine of my life,
are my night and my day,
are the air that make me live,
you are that you follow me.
Always, always remember you.
Never, never, I forget.
Always, always love you.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Nipple Piercing Freeones
if not all a dream or reality.
do not know if everything is true or false.
not me this going on between you and me.
You're there, I'm here, unable to embrace, unable
Acari, without being able to kiss.
if not love or feel for you is just crazy. Madness
be with you, madness
look into your eyes,
not say anything, just, I LOVE YOU.
just want to close my eyes,
kiss your lips with passion,
take you to the shore, hug and tell
the moon, the star
most beautiful,
this with me.
A thank God every day, let me have known
another angel,
as a smile like yours
can not be of this world.
The smile that fell in love,
which left me holding on with you.
Now tell me,
if this is a dream or reality.
Tell me,
if this is true or false.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Mount & Blade Blender Mod
ABSENT Absent as clouds in summer,
like the sun in winter,
as a child at play.
I feel like river without fish,
like a tree without its leaves,
like the sea without the waves,
as night without the moon.
Absent I feel when I look into your eyes when I hear your
sweet voice,
when I feel your skin on mine,
when I caress your soft hair,
I feel the honey from your lips.
Absent I feel the world,
absent from the time when I'm by your side,
away from people who do not understand.
Away when I'm with you.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Bowel Movements At The End Of Your Pregnancy

I would like to congratulate you from my blog, so everyone knows how much I love you and I have always said that from the day they told me I was going to be tito I began to love and since then, every day, every second that passes my love grows you.
The truth is that this first birthday, I made short despite not being with you all that I wanted, but Richard's life is, but you should know that not a day goes by I do not remember you, I carry you always in my thoughts, in my heart.
Over the years ire seeing this life in which we live must fight a lot, unfortunately sometimes things go wrong and we have to fight for everything to go as we would like and every day have to work to move forward, but here I want you to know that you'll always have your tito Joaquin, your parents, your grandparents and many people will love. Everyone is going to give everything to you always are well.
dream every day that you call me Tito,
and a lump in my throat as
and every time you kiss me,
excites me, because I know they are kissing clean
and every time you hold me,
touches my heart, they are real hugs,
and every time I say I love you would die for
stop time.
stop time and always be by your side,
for when I'm with you, I do not care what happens around us, only we, my nephew and me.
Since you arrived, I am filled with happiness, enthusiasm, passion, you gave me life and now I struggle to be always with you and that you know your tito Joaquin will be always at your side.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Increase Cervical Mucus
I was with her all night, he was talking
asked if it was normal, what I felt for you,
if she could help me, if she knew which
was the key to your love,
if you had seen one that was not me.
And yet she was silent,
but his eyes told me not to desist in your love.
We passed the night,
all night talking about you,
I said everything I felt about you,
the reasons that I love with me,
I explained all my feelings for you, gave
my heart for you.
When you see her ask her for me,
ask him if my love is true,
ask him if I love you,
ask him if you've been waiting by the sea,
ask him if that was where we started talking,
yes, ask him if I love you,
Ask the moon.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Forum Or Blog Or Group Milena Velba
I am slowly feeling,
that my heart is waking up,
am slowly noticing,
that my heart is beating.
the princess you've lit the flame of my heart,
've broken the ice that surrounded it, have made it
beat again,
've got my head just thinking of you.
I'm counting the seconds,
to get back to you,
to return to pet
to feel you near me.
When I'm by your side, I want to stand
want to feel your hugs,
want to feel your touch, I feel your kisses
Friday, September 18, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Vive La Difference Wikipedia
When he had stopped to tell me his life and philosophy that I have told you green dogs cats dying with drug traffickers, but did not hear me, the bastard he would not attempt to listen, he only thought about their needs, their desires and pleasures, the type heard nothing of what I said, even when I opened my heart and told him about the greatest pain of my soul, about the abuses they ran over me, of anguish and agony I felt when I popped open on my total when they face the rain without skin and took it as accurate as the certainty that nothing is real and that nothing really matters, since we only live in a world of thanks anonymous and useless ways. After hours of tears and emotions allegorical, after hours of attempts the bastard looks away from the swallows, he just stopped, just looked at me in silence as he spoke, and ended when he noticed that stilled my babbling, I just said his mother was a hound dog with a farmer and his delivery was exposed through egg and from an anorexic teenage love ... But then I said something I will never forget. He said: "Some people never get out of themselves, never able to really get into others and deceive themselves with a vagina that gives shelter and warmth, but not love." With this I was paid ...
Monday, June 29, 2009
Printingpress Wedding
Today 29/06/2009, to form day goes by I am noticing that I'm getting more nervous But I think I have clear which is the idea and I have to be firm.
Tomorrow may be an important day for me, I think the most important day of my 33 years, since my visit to the endocrinologist I can change my life, my well-being of life.
not want this to look like a bounce or something like that but rather the opposite, a fresh start.
Animations now I'm pretty good I feel so strongly with what I can tell the doctor, I'm prepared for an operation or to introduce stricter diet (for I am not so sure last, which I guess I was a little joke .)
Well I think I have already filed some and I have told some of my sentences.
addition I have to do everything possible to lose weight, because right now I have to play football with my nephew to run after him, and he will be my strength.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Recordphone Conversations With Computer

Firstly, congratulations to the tastes of Sporting, Osasuna, Valladolid and Getafe.
have managed to struggle and sacrifice to stay another year in the First Division.
Today Sunday May 31, 2009, at about 20:45 when I saw the final result Betis game, which has been my surprise when I found that my team lose the category, or rather good down to the second division, because for me, the Real Betis has a lot more, wherever you are playing, remember that we have come to play in the third division and have always surfaced. I must confess that I moved, still five hours after I do not believe what happened, but I think the war we were born to suffer and that the penalties the joy back with pride and fight to get back to where our part, with the best teams in the world.
Now more than ever I felt that I instill in my child what is the feeling, the passion for a team and the pride of a shield with thirteen stripes green and white, respect for the sport. I have to instill that we are a team of struggle, suffering and we are happy with the little things in life, we need not to enjoy great success.
Now more than ever I have to instill the "Musho Betis" and "Viva el Betis manque lose."
Monday, May 4, 2009
Dragon Ball Bulma Nacked
To you, that you gave me life
you who taught me to walk
to stomp on the floor
you who taught me to speak
always respect you, who taught me to listen
to you, you taught me to laugh, to mourn
to you, you taught me to kiss
to you, you taught me to love
to you, you taught me to be as I am
Let me tell you something, maybe you had it
have said before, perhaps
had to have said out loud, perhaps
had to have said in person.
Let me tell you something,
let me tell you what I feel
let me tell you I love you.
let me tell you how much I love you. MAMA
Saturday, February 14, 2009
How To Clear A Memory Card
Sevilla is in mourning, the waters of the Guadalquivir black staining, the bells of the Giralda sound in silence, all Spain mourns his loss.
From Seville to heaven a new angel to come and our children another guardian angel will, sure that she will care.
He looked a little girl full of life, love, friends of friends and loved by everyone who knew her, for all but one person, one who decided to end his life.
Now you are not with us physically, but your soul and your spirit will be with us forever. Unfortunately we will remember you for this unfortunate loss, but sure you from heaven, because a girl like you can not go to a place other than the sky, you will give strength to your family and friends to go forward and fight for you justice.
From this corner, I want to send their parents, grandparents, the whole family and friends, a warm hug and offer my most heartfelt condolences.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Wath Das Mean With Metal Secc Sgcc

Silent Scream
say love is blind, not to think about whether it is love or fear, because I say this because we have only just you look around, take the paper, see the news on television and unfortunately very often the main news is the attack on a woman.
We women give life, we teach the values \u200b\u200bof life and from the first day we give all your love and now that's love. Give everything for what they want, give life to your children, those who would always be proud of his father until the day comes that man puts his hand on the woman who is able to suffer all for his children, which her husband always an excuse. There is no excuse when a man beats a woman.
She is hiding from his family, friends, neighbors, hides herself, does not see what is happening to her and scream in silence so that no one listens.
Until one day open their eyes and faces her tormentor, but not like him, she does it with clean hands and denouncing what he should do the first day.
JoaquĆn Bravo.