A room lit only by the cracks in the ceiling and an open door, a room completely empty except for a naked man lying on the ground like rag, helplessly watching the sky.
At the door draw the outline of a dog sitting, which after a few seconds entering the room, sitting beside the motionless man, under a beam of light that reveals his broken and battered body, green mucus, full tick and bleeding face. A few minutes later a man stands beside her, completely naked except for a red tie tied around his neck.
The man rolls his eyes still did tie man, who starts the conversation.
- Do you remember the last time you moved? - With almost angelic calm.
-No ... but rest assured that I will remember forever the time to do it again. - In your voice note of despair.
- Do you hate me for what I have done?
"I have not decided yet ...
- Do not believe me responsible?
-No. I know that you are solely responsible, no third, no reason, there's nothing you and I, and only you are responsible for me.
"Eventually I'll kill you.
"There is another option.
"If there is.
- What?
- What's the point if you are who stops me?
"I'll be a statue. An effigy to myself. Only I will know that tread these lands, but only I
enough to be significant.
"It's inevitable, anything you say will change the fact that you are already a statue, these assets for your life, your mind is the prison of your body and not vice versa.
- What thoughts do you know? You're nothing but a damn, a torturer that keeps me live and be me, you're just a dog.
"Do not insult, do not fall into despair, have faith that God made machine will come and save your life
"The meaning does not exist, life is meaningless.
"That you believe, you live as if nothing more to live, you think you've thought and thought everything.
"Of course I have.
"You know nothing, the world is just beginning. Your death. You have so much fear, so asumirte inability, to grow with the world, you've fixed, you're paralyzed, the ties I have not given them, the created the same and only the deletion of your death.
"Shit, shit. SHIT!
He still goes into convulsions, her body moving without control is only held by ropes that go out of their skin and cover it completely, restricting and immobilizing.
"I can tell you a thousand times, but if you open your eyes and see for yourself, never will create the change we need.
- Pico! Pico for you and all your beliefs! Life is not solved by just assumed!, Think not my moorings are due to my own decisions?! Do you think it is that no one can untie me ?!... But is not that simple ... Not enough to know ... Even I can not move ... I still press your wrists ... I can not ... Need the god ... I need the machine ...
"As you wish ... This conversation did not exist ...
tie man away, cross the door you came, accompanied by dogs, as fast as they can spare fragile legs. The man in the bonds is only in the room, his face full of despair, his eyes more and more agitated, lost, their eyes dilate, sweat soak it. With his tongue feel the taste of your bleeding gums, tooth slowly stroking face, mouth open, looking desperate. Close your eyes, squeezing tightly, breathe deeply and closes his mouth all his strength, cutting the tongue.
The dog, leave the hallway that leads us away from suffering and walking with difficulty, yells the man in tie: "Death is not salvation! Salvation does not exist! Kill me! Kill me!" she begins to vomit and moan, writhing on the ground, rolling and swollen, his ticks reventarce start one by one, while the dog secret all his blood through the wounds that those mites leave him. Inchado everything your skin resists the dog says his last words: "The prayer that life has any meaning, praying that the pain has a reason and one reason, I pray that all may be one and live in harmony with the universe, is impossible, an impossible dream, the lost cause that sent men to the hell of his nightmares that crawl to die forever and create a god who would punish them. Do not forgive me for having failed and will not forgive the musta provoked. "When it explodes into thousands of millions of spiders, of all types and sizes, crank or start and spread through the place until you get one.
tie man pulls a knife from his jacket, cut the wrist of the left arm in the direction of the vein. Raise your arm above your head, bathing in their blood, and falls while lying desamaya the ground, disintegrating as the ground is swallowing.
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