Presents worship Brother: Nazario Flores.
Isaias 54.
Brothers and really if you have access to your Bible you can read here how God speaks to your church and my church.
tells us to rejoice, to the churches that we have not given birth, which raise our voices in song and give joy, says that more children are out of the church that those within.
Engrandeza your church, make it bigger, preach, evangelize.
Fear not, because your husband is your maker LORD of hosts, you will not depart from his mercy. That
brothers strongest words these are the promises of God for you and me.
So it grows as God wants church to prosper, we need not fear that always will be there protecting us, to work the harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few, work is for all brothers.
also had brothers who shared their testimony.
Our Pastor gave testimony of prison visits to see how God is doing his work there in that place and also requests prayer for all the children of women prisoners.
also thanked God for the people who have managed the temple, putting his two cents, for the sake of doing God's work and appreciation for all that God has echo in their lives.
also thanked God for the people who have managed the temple, putting his two cents, for the sake of doing God's work and appreciation for all that God has echo in their lives.
Sister Pilar also building us with part of his testimony and thanked God for what God is doing in your life to see what was and what now.
brother Raul also testified and gave thanks to God for day to day care and motivated us to ask the Lord every day to do his will and not ours, gave the key to the brothers of like living in every day and win the fight you have to have every moment, because we all know that the devil came to kill and destroy everything that God has given us, told us that take care of yourselves in these moments of weakness that were so dangerous.
Manuel Chamorro's brother also gave thanks to God for what he is doing in your life, and now sees his family, family that one day they closed the doors of his house and its lives and see how God has brought back to his family and after 23 years of not talking to the mother of his daughter and she now wants to have a conversation with him.
Rafaela's sister also told us to take care of ourselves not to fall into spiritual death that we should be Christians inside and outside the house of the Lord.
delivery also had a brother Chamorro diploma for having completed its second year of discipleship.
Preaching by our Pastor: Francisco Rodriguez O.
Acts 3:1,10.
Healing of a lame
1 Peter and John went up together into the temple at the ninth hour of prayer.
a man was brought 2Y lame from birth, whom they laid daily at the temple gate called Beautiful, to ask alms of those entering the temple.
3 East, seeing Peter and John about to enter the temple , begged them to give him alms.
4Pedro, and John, fastening his eyes, said: Look at us.
5Entonces he gave heed unto them, expecting to receive something from them.
6Mas Peter said: I have no Silver and gold, but what I have I give you: in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk. 7Y
took him by the right hand lifted him up, and immediately his feet and ankles;
8y leaping to his feet and walked, and entered with them into the temple, walking, and leaping, and praising God. 9Y
all the people saw him walking and praising God. 10Y
he knew that it was he who sat begging at the door of the temple, the beautiful, and filled with wonder and amazement at what had happened.
know if prayer is communication with God, here we see brothers Peter and John were always to pray at the temple at the same time and this is what makes change a society, we see how these men have power from God and what they offered this man was a miracle, it was not gold or silver or what today the company is looking for brothers vanity, all is vanity of vanities as the word with this miracle this man left to rely on others stopped begging, men and women of God that is the solution we for this society is prayer and what we experience every day with our prayers and petitions to the Father, as Peter and John had confidence in the father and we do it and see how God is making his purpose in our lives and see how it goes taking every problem, crisis or test by which our process in the way of God we are passing.
We see from Genesis is sin, sin that we all bring since we are aware, sin separates us from God, sin makes us lose the joy of our lives and we lose the best thing is not knowing the truth of God, sin makes us pass for human diseases have no cure and evicted us and keep us more of who we are, we kill in life many times, but brothers for your circumstances is when you start to cry out to God and know the truth and only you can remove the disease, and forgive your sin, that is when your start a new life in Christ.
Once you start to know God's purpose for your new life, struggle to please God every day do not fall into a routine with him, in the name of Jesus Christ and this man who was paralyzed and blind brother got up and Get up today and give thanks to you I always remember that you have only two choices in life a blessing and a curse so you're the one who decides what to do with your life to please God or not.
In conclusion brother is in church and studying the word that God left us where we find the answers to this society,
is here where we learn how to speak, how to act, walk, dress and think, ultimately how to please our Creator.
encourage you to try the God who is alive, that he listens and gives you answers to all your problems.
and left you with that question so important what God asks of us?
I will not stop thanking God for the family of his brother David Olias, their parents may God continue to bless them and they can see the love of God in his son.
Thank God for the worship team, God help us to be faithful to The also asked for Joseph is also a member of the praise for God to watch over and apart for him.
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