Sunday, November 25, 2007

Dry Crystals With Salt, Sugar And Epsom Salt


Thursday, November 8, 2007

Sample Letter For A Baby

vision ... Bill ...

Reality, dreams, ambitions ... are all synonyms of the same, pain. life there is only a representation of ourselves, life is what we want to be.

been three months locked in my apartment, but it is not can not leave ... i do not want. Every day it becomes more difficult to stop, the light of day and burns my eyes, my skin is getting paler, and my fear of people, growing. Perhaps
panic, but I know myself. Just know that I'm slowly running out of life, without talking, shut up in my dreams and desires. I live in my fantasies, I am too cowardly to make.
Without realizing it, or perhaps deliberately, I created my catharsis, my communion with the inner self that I am, I created a form of escapism that helps me not to leave, to stay inert in my space. My cell, my house.
just saying to myself:

"I am a sad
I'm a loner a waste of humanity as I can be distant from the person on my side "
The truth is that this insanity to be me more than I can bear, not that
be me ... "Do not want to sound bitter, cold, or cruel, but I am, so that's what comes out (... Bill ...)"
Yesterday, while I slept, I had an epiphany under the effect of some acid, I realized that
"all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. That we are all one consciousness experiencing itself. That there is no death, life is only a dream and we are only our own imagination "
Using these words of others that are evoked from a puppet and selfish dream, but never lose the sense that no matter how many times you say or who says them, complete my illusions.
When I woke up I felt a fear never felt before. It was covered with a cold sweat, pale as could be, and with cuts on his arms, superficial cuts but did not remember. In my room there were five naked people, three women and two men. I approached them to see your face and can identify, but could not, did not know ... to none.
was still numb and dazed, dizzy and nauseated. After vomiting in the bathroom while I washed my face I noticed something that scared me even more, that was not my department, I looked around, saw nothing known, my head was spinning, a dizziness came over me, everything revolved around me or I environment revolved around me. Round, round, round only. In one of those landed in the mirror, only to realize the most frightening I've seen in my life. That the light reflected in the mirror was not me. That was not my face was completely different, I do not know who he was, did not recognize him, I tried but could not. I'm trapped in another body ... but ... Now I try, I can not, I delete, I can not remember my face, do not remember my real face ...

The hours pass and I stretched in bed, unable to close my eyes, staring at the ceiling, someone wakes up, is a woman, stands next to me and stares at me, caresses my face and tells me "Who are you, to what I can only answer" I do not know ...",

By telling me I tell myself " Not all drugs are good, some are excellent (... Bill ...) "

Dream thousand possibilities per second, but nothing is possible ...

awake, but just to shut him up

" Everything in nature works perfect - the babble continues - recently discovered deep within an island somewhere around the world a "paradise." In this "paradise" were thought to be extinct species, animals, plants and insects, where everything worked like millions of years ago - moving around the room, acting as if giving a lecture to students inexistentes, me ignora por completo, no estoy ahí para él - El ciclo de la vida en la naturaleza funciona de esta manera: Un animal fuerte se come a uno débil, lo que ayuda a evitar la sobre población. Las plantas se procrean a través de las abejas, las que a su vez crean panales donde crean miel, la que sirve para alimentar a ciertos osos, los que a su vez se alimentan de peces. Los peces se alimentan de peces más pequeños, los que se alimentan de plancton. El plancton saca la mayor parte de su alimento de las heces de los peces, y ahí se cumple un pequeño ciclo. Ahora, si lo piensas, ¿Dónde está el hombre? Por más que lo busques no lo vas a encontrar en ningún ciclo natural. El hombre es el único living species that has done away with. The only other way that a species is gone through evolution, but as the man was a mistake that purchased conscience, if they are going to manage to stay longer in the earth. "
That said stops at a window and looks outside. Close your eyes and cries out with total belief and pride:
"In nature, no religion
In nature there is no question
In nature there is no philosophy
In nature there is resentment
love nature there is in nature eat or be eaten
In nature there are no wars
In nature I do not exist ... "I feel

I should stop it, note me. I say and shout with all my lungs:

"God does not exist
Ala is only a detergent
Buddha is just a legend
Joseph Smith was just a deadbeat"
I look, I called your attention, I have heard, it is time mark:
"Do not believe what they want you to believe, just believe in yourself and what you do yourself, God, in whatever form, is in you ..." She looks perplexed, frightened, perhaps by the mere fact that I have seen appear out of nowhere, perhaps only because he heard another voice, or perhaps you really heard what I said. Seeing her devoted attention, with eyes closed, I added: "... I'm not here either."
I felt it drop. The joy and happiness that the gesture had on me was second to none, I love the prophet in me, but I hate that everything I told someone else, whoever owns this body. need to get out of here, I need to go to my home, talk to my family ... But how I can do that if you do not know who am I, I remember my true face and my truths ... Repeated muttering thoughts aloud, a little girl, beautiful girl, vomits on her face, chokes, and turns blue. Still do not know how I did, but without thinking I threw myself on it and gave him mouth to mouth resuscitation. Noting that this did not work I filled only the language of new and exciting flavors, the lie on his stomach and he applied the Heimlich maneuver, but did not work, do not know why, well you might not have anything in his throat, or it might be the I know that this maneuver, or perhaps she held in her throat choking the pit that. Why assume it is a fart? You can very easily be a seed, but is not a fart a seed? Not think so, because for something are two different words. Fart and totally contrary seed two words that have the same function. Choke. Hell, the girl drowned. It's beautiful, I never noticed how beautiful she is, that long black hair and smooth, perfectly molded waist, handmade, hips and back handed round, and smooth. Caress her, but she starts my hand, perhaps the devolved all its vomit, still has enough. But it is beautiful, I can not help noticing the way her back arches with each jaw, the way the blue color slowly taking over all the white of his skin, the way I look holding my breath. "My God, hold your breath for me." I look, it seems that I said that aloud.
someone behind me pushed me and pounces on it, damn, I steal my goddess blue, now white, but is still beautiful, unique.
"What do you, God no? "- tells me the guy who pushed me. He tried, but I can not describe it, just know it's perfect.
" God exists, but is a bastard. We were created to satisfy his own ego, autosatisfación absolute. - Hatred in their eyes is amazing - and had his angel, who venerated him and praised him without questioning anything, but that is obvious, since he created them and denied them the insight and that's where comes the question, Why us if we took that insight? - I look for the answer, I just shrug my shoulders - Because God lowered his own question.
"Am I lovable?" I would love my angels if they got an option? Beelzebub and I was for that reason ... I know ... "- says doing a perfect imitation of divinity - and that's when we think, with free discernment, as his own personal experiment.

But when he realized that he chose not but we questioned what we all, and that his experiment was unsuccessful, he had no choice but to make us disappear, but that's when her little boy, who realized how miserable his father, and we believe with emotions , feelings and free choice, all constituents of the so-called "soul" was the same one who was going to completely eliminate coldly, not only love him (which option more selfish) decides to sacrifice for the highest good of a race.
After all this fiasco, in which Jesus sacrificed his life for a race than ever thanks him and then forget everything and get on with their lives, which from my point of view is the real reason to stay alive, to continue with "free will", God abandoned us and left us to oblivion.
Churches were created by men with political ambitions, to take advantage of those weaknesses that still believed that God was a being of love.

I can not unconditionally love a God who gives us a paradise only change that we love!, That selfish choice but castrating! Why give us free choice life, if we are conditioned by what we choose?!, What can be more cruel to give us the option to live cloistered, and only love him to live forever in happiness in the afterlife, against the option of enjoying the goodness of this life, yet you take a life of eternal suffering in hell?
God is a selfish and egotistical. He created us just to raise their fragile and low self-esteem! - Taking a last breath after a couple of minutes filled with shouts of anger, the latter adds to his speech - Catholicism, the Muslim, the Jew, the evangelist, the Buddhist are all the same, a plague ... Lying on the
ground I find myself thinking about my options to find peace and return in good conscience, but I can not stop thinking if God or Mother Nature

masturbate to silence that voice inside that tells you and asks you pervert , and leave everything ...

"... decreasing in crescendo ..."